The turtle and its impact on my lifelong journey

Last week I went on a journey – yes it was a physical journey but it was also a journey that developed friendships, sought knowledge and reached a milestone in my spiritual journey of life. I travelled with a fellow consultant and friend to a 2 day workshop in Shepparton , Victoria which is where one of my teachers, Melynda Munroe is based and her Master, Master Liu visits to teach those with affinity the mysteries of Feng Shui. What I love about studying with Melynda and Master Liu is the tradition associated with their teachings. A lot of what they teach is not found in books, it is knowledge that Master Liu has been passed down orally from generation to generation within his lineage dating back thousands of years. I feel like I am getting to the very heart and soul of Feng Shui practice when hearing Melynda and Master Liu speak of the remedies and aspects involved in creating a supportive environment using Traditional methods of Feng Shui.

On the way down, driving through Australia’s magnificent countryside we passed a turtle on the side of the road, stretching his neck out, no doubt deciding whether he would be able to get across the road. I have never seen a turtle on the side of the road but didn’t think much more of it. We stopped at Berrima Patisserrie for brandy snaps and almond croissants then drove to Wagga Wagga to stay overnight. I stayed with a girlfriend who I had met nearly 12 years previously in Mother’s Group when I had my first son in January 2000. The next day we drove to Shepparton via Echuca where I had to visit a client who had kindly given me a large water fountain in appreciation for some assistance I had given her.

It should be noted that on the 10 hour drive there and the 10 hour drive back home, we never put the radio on once or listened to music. We spoke non-stop about Feng Shui and our separate journeys and our ups and down we had experienced on life’s road – a real Thelma and Louise type road trip (without Brad unfortunately).

The two day course like the one I attended previously in July was so worthwhile. We were sitting in the room when Master Liu finally told us the name of the School he had been teaching naming it Yin Yang School of Traditional Feng Shui. A very significant moment to share. We went deeper into material concerning the importance of balancing Yin and Yang, were given the key to understanding the Cosmic Breath of Period 8 specifically and all other Periods generally as well as some in depth analysis of Annual Flying Star Theory and remedies. One of the remedies concerned using one or two turtles as a means of supporting yourself in the immediate environment. Some more practical sessions were held on how to sell real estate quickly. As a group we climbed Mount Major which was a wonderful way to replicate the journey of our learning. We looked at the Dragon Veins of the surrounding area of Shepparton and analysed how the Chi flowed. Walking to the top of the mountain and then down the mountain signified our learning travels together as a group. We had all come so far in our understanding of Feng Shui.

The course finished late Friday afternoon and we drove to Wagga again to break the journey. We stopped at Albury at a Thai restaurant where we were met by another two turtles sitting on the reception area bar. The foundation of Flying Star Feng Shui is based on the Lo Shu or Magic Square which mythically was found on the back of a turtle’s shell. It is the centre of Flying Star theory so the turtle is a very important component of the mythology around Feng Shui. It seemed quite apt that we were seeing turtles but at this stage the message hadn’t resonated with either of us. It wasn’t until the next day driving from Wagga to Sydney that we nearly drove right over a turtle crossing the road. I had to swerve to miss it. We both then had an epiphany and realised that there was a message in all of this and we needed to find out what it meant. I recommended that my travelling companion Google Ted Andrews, author of the fabulous book “Animal Speak” to read about the meaning of the Turtle. She discovered the following:

“The turtle is one of the oldest reptiles and thus has one of the most ancient mythologies surrounding it. It has been a symbol for Mother earth, for longevity and for the awakening to heightened sensibilities. The shell is a symbol of heaven and the square underside is a symbol of earth. The turtle is an animal whose magic can help unite heaven and earth within your own life. The turtle is an invitation for the blessings of both heaven and earth. Because of its great age and its slow metabolism, the turtle is also associated with longevity, longlife and groundedness within life”. (2006, pg 363 – 366)

Wow – we could not get over the significance of this description and what it meant to us as Feng Shui Consultants. We talked non-stop all the way back to Sydney about it. We stopped again at Berrima where we had pre-ordered a dozen brandy snaps to take home for our family – they are the best brandy snaps ever! It was nice to get home to Sydney and reunite with our loved ones but our journey didn’t end there.

The next day we went to a Taoist temple with another Feng Shui teacher and were given the gift of Tao by a Taiwanese Master, Master Lin– a huge privilege and incredibly humbling experience. We took part in a ceremony which essentially burnt our names from the pages of hell and transferred them into the Book of Heaven which meant that we were afforded lifelong protection from Heaven. Protection is extremely important as Feng Shui consultants and also in my work as a Space Clearer as you often come into contact with people who are facing challenges and have negative energy which you need to ensure not to take on board. After the ceremony we had a beautifully and lovingly prepared vegetarian feast followed by an hour of study about Tao and we were taught about the Three Treasures which was educational to say the least.

A fitting way to end our week long journey and a week that I will no doubt look back upon as an important one on my journey though life. My next blog will be about my journey into Feng Shui and what I have learned along the way so stay tuned.