Did you know you have 4 Chinese Zodiac animals in your Chinese Astrology chart. Most people only know the animal in the Year they are born however you also have 3 others that will be influencing your character, your favourable and unfavourable colours and periods of luck. If you would like to have a copy of  your full Chinese Astrology Chart I can email it to you for $55 (inc GST). A summary report on what your chart means can be ordered for $108 (inc GST) or for a full comprehensive report the cost is $218 Inc GST). If you are wondering whether you are compatible with someone, I can prepare a compatibility report for you which costs $188 (inc GST).


Motto: I think

Traits: Charismatic, intelligent, sociable, romantic, talkative, creative, curious, resourceful.

Romance: Can form deep emotional ties and can express themselves verbally and via writing exceptionally well. Attracted to an energetic partner with a good sense of humour. Compatible with Monkeys and Dragons. Sparks can fly with Horses causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Patient

Traits: Endurance, stamina, perseverance, dependable, efficient, hardworking, serious, determined, strong, conservative.

Romance: Can have intense passion beneath a calm exterior. Your home is your castle. Compatible with Roosters and Snakes. Sparks can fly with Sheep/Goats causing excitement, romance and some friction too


Motto: I have Courage

Traits: Restless, adventurous, risk-taker, charming, brave, kind, excitable, courageous, enthusiastic, optimistic.

Romance: Blessed with a tender heart and affectionate, very independent and self-reliant. Often protect others weaker than them and support humanitarian causes. Make excellent friends. Compatible with Dogs and Horses. Sparks can fly with Monkeys causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Discreet

Traits: Polite, diplomatic, easy-going, talented, creative, well-grounded, alluring, admired, conservative, generous.

Romance: Strive for security and a peaceful existence. Will flee personal upheaval and disruption if possible. Great business partners and personal friends. They are private souls but highly sought after for advice. Have a quiet sensuality. Compatible with Pigs and Sheep/Goats. Sparks can fly with Roosters causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Majestic

Traits: Vitality, outspoken, proud, energetic, ambitious, impatient, self-assured, fortunate, original, enthusiastic, boisterous, successful, popular.

Romance: Require a strong and intriguing partner. Compatible with Rats and Monkeys. Sparks can fly with Dogs causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I have Sense

Traits: Attractive, intellectual, scholarly, deep-thinking, intuitive, charming, protective, independent, glamorous, wise, compassionate, discrete.

Romance: Quite attractive sexually and very sensual. Require a partner who is in touch with their emotions and contains passionate desires. Compatible with Oxes and Roosters. Sparks can fly with Pigs causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I Run Free

Traits: Quick-witted, competitive, sporty, charming, independent, decisive, natural leader, gifted speaker, strong communicator. Elegant, witty, talkative, friendly.

Romance: Require a partner who stimulates their mind and appreciated their wit. Compatible with Tigers and Dogs. Sparks can fly with Rats causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I Adapt

Traits: Social, polite, decent, gentle, creative, sensitive, kind, dependent, vulnerable, generous.

Romance: Require partner who is gentle and kind. Compatible with Pigs and Rabbits. Sparks can fly with Oxes causing excitement, romance and some friction too


Motto: I Entertain

Traits: Diverse, clever, quick, restless, trustworthy, irrepressible, cheeky, high-spirited, social, active, imaginative, resourceful, versatile, curious.

Romance: Are witty companions who are ready to play. Compatible with Rats and Dragons. Sparks can fly with Tigers causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Resilient

Traits: Efficient, methodical, confident, resilient, industrious, wise, compassionate, social, assertive.

Romance: Requires a strong and self-assured partner whom they can respect like the Dragon, Snake or Ox. Sparks can fly with Rabbits causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Loyal

Traits: Loyal, protective, devote, generous, wise, courageous, earnest, sincere.

Romance: Requires a trustworthy partner who has strong family values and appreciates their need for tenderness. Compatible with Tigers and Horses. Sparks can fly with Dragons causing excitement, romance and some friction too.


Motto: I am Eager

Traits: Considerate, honest, unpretentious, affectionate, cheerful, sincere, gentle.

Romance: Require a partner who is easy-going, provides companionship, physical love and emotional security. Compatible with Rabbits and Sheep/Goats. Sparks can fly with Snakes causing excitement, romance and some friction too