I have helped many businesses ensure the Feng Shui of their building is as supportive as possible. The main focus for business is wealth and activating this specific energy to ensure financial success is one of my main priorities when doing a Business consultation. Whether you are Building, Designing, Buying, Renting, Selling or Working in a premises, Feng Shui can improve your life in so many ways. We can arrange our immediate environment so that we receive maximum support. Feng Shui Harmony is committed to helping you analyse the issues present in your building using the principles of Feng Shui and offer solutions for improvement. As a Feng Shui Specialist, I prefer to minimise the use of Chinese adornments where possible and instead provide recommendations in a subtle manner through fine-tuning and harnessing the energies that you and your property are receiving through the use of colour and furniture placement.
I have worked with a range of companies helping them design the best layout or fitting out a new office space to support the staff working there get the best results for the business. I am an Internationally Accredited Feng Shui Master working full time in Sydney who has undertaken hundreds of hours of specialised training in traditional Feng Shui methods over many years. In essence, I am able to provide recommendations that will maximise the energy of the space for the occupants (staff and clients) so that the business is supported.
To be able to provide any analysis it is crucial that I have an accurate floorplan drawn to scale showing all the rooms, doors and windows and know the construction date of the building within a 20 year period (eg 1944-1964, 1964 – 1984 etc). Additionally if there have been any renovations or extensions involving the removal or addition of the roof I would need to know when these occurred. I have ways to help find this information if you do not have it readily available so just let me know if you need assistance. Information on when the business first occupied the premises is also helpful.
The birthdates of occupants is also required if you want information relating to optimal sitting directions at desks which can further support overall success and get the most out of your employees.
I offer many types of consultations to assist clients with creating prosperity, abundance and wellbeing in their immediate environment. As a business owner, I really enjoy helping others ensure their business is as supported as possible. Using Date Selection techniques to assist with official launches of businesses as well as Developing Logos or Business Cards that will support long term success are also services I can provide. To ensure the energy of the space you are in is fresh and optimised, Space Clearing Ceremonies are also recommended. A Chinese Astrology Report will provide a wealth of information for you to get a greater understanding of the influences around your personal luck, finances, relationships and suitability of specific careers and will provide recommendations on how to optimise these areas of your life. Details of these additional services can be found below.
I live in the Hills Area which is in the North West of Sydney but am happy to travel as far as Newcastle, Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Bateman’s Bay, Canberra and Bathurst. I am also happy to travel to Brisbane and Melbourne. Travel costs of $55/hour (inc GST) will apply for onsite consultations outside the metropolitan Sydney region plus airfares and accommodation if applicable.
Payment Terms
A $100 deposit is required to secure an appointment with the balance owing prior to the release of the final report. Direct deposit into my bank account is the preferred method or credit card (VISA/MasterCard) payment over the phone.
For onsite visits payments can be made by direct deposit, cash, cheque, money order, cheque or credit card (VISA/Mastercard).
A Tax Invoice can be issued for any service provided.
Please note that all prices and service inclusions are subject to change without notice.
Here are five testimonials from satisfied clients. I have over 30 testimonials in my Testimonial section you can view here.
“I have had a run of really good luck lately.
Thank you for your great advice. I am thrilled with the results of Feng Shui. Its amazing”.
Top Qualities: Quick Results, Helpful Follow Up, Expert
Maria, Brisbane, 2016
“My desire for change in my life led me to finding Carolyn and her expertise. The changes that took place happened almost overnight. In fact, the very day that Carolyn was scheduled to conduct the consultation in my apartment, I received a much sought after opportunity in my career, and things have just gone from strength to strength since implementing the simple suggestions that she listed in the report. Carolyn is unbelievably patient and diligent in responding to my many emails with questions, and I will definitely be in contact for the yearly report for 2014. I have been singing her praises to my friends and family, and would highly, and enthusiastically recommend her to anyone”.
Top Qualities: Patient, Expertise, Diligent
“Having purchased a new apartment and planning to replace almost all of my furniture, I contacted Carolyn for some advice on Feng Shui. She was wonderful – so helpful and reassuring, happy to answer any questions along the way. A few months later, my life is even better than before. My relationship has improved out of sight, work is going well, and we are all feeling happy and loving the new place. I would highly recommend Carolyn to anyone interested in this field, she is a genuine and caring person who is an absolute pleasure to deal with. Lisa”
Top Qualities: Genuine, Caring, Pleasure to deal with
Lisa, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2012
The moment I saw “Feng Shui Harmony’s” business card I knew to achieve our families goals and start a new fresh chapter in our book of life for 2012, we needed to have a Feng Shui session in our new home. Carolyn’s suggestions were invaluable as it has created a balanced, happy, healthy and loving place for my family. The colour’s recommended for accessories and interior decorating items were so tasteful and stylish it took the stress out of what to buy. We are so thrilled with our results and we appreciate Carolyn’s professional, supportive and warmth approach to our needs. We highly recommend Carolyn.
Top Qualities: Invaluable, Balanced, Supportive
Janelle, Turramurra, NSW, 2012
A couple of things made 2011 a very special year and in a way, a turning point for me and my husband. One is we sold the house we lived in for the last 6 years, the other is I found Carolyn and got to know Feng Shui on a whole new level. Having always believed in Feng Shui, I didn’t know the energy surrounding you can be so powerful and play such a pivotal role in either a negative or positive way in your day-to-day life.
The last 6 years haven’t been easy and I have always had this uneasy feeling when living in the house we sold that something was not right, however I couldn’t put my finger on anything specifically. Both my husband and I felt stressed and short tempered. There were other issues as well. Carolyn’s Mini Feng Shui report confirmed almost everything we have been experiencing and revealed that the burned-out feeling we had was due to the kitchen/stove situated at the worst possible location which happen to be where our personal energy was! This house rated only 2 out of 10. We are so happy we have sold it!!
While living in the rental property that Carolyn approved with her “Pre-Purchase report”, my husband and I both experienced a sense of peace and calm we haven’t felt for a long while, our marriage also became a lot stronger during this process. We then decided that when we purchased our next ‘dream home’, her ‘Pre-purchase’ report was a ‘must-have’ to determine which property to buy.
Throughout the ‘house-hunting’ process, Carolyn has been there for us every step of the way. She is professional, supportive and most importantly she is compassionate about what she does and willing to help others to achieve their goals. After only 2 months, we have found our ‘dream home’ which rates 8+ out of 10. Both my husband and I are thrilled and can’t wait to live in a Feng Shui tested home. We might never want to move again!
I won’t hesitate a second to recommend her to anyone who wants to improve any aspect in life and achieve more harmony and happiness, after all, we all deserve it. It can be closer than you think, all you need to do is ring Carolyn and she will help you achieve your goals. Thank you Carolyn for all your time, effort and wisdom.
Top Qualities: Compassion, Professional, Supportive
Grace, Hunters Hill, NSW, 2012